
IMA Behavioral Health


Psychotherapy for Depression and Anxiety (Depression Care Social Worker)

To make an appointment with a IMA Depression Care Therapist:

  1. Please call Lucy Mercado at (212) 824-2344 (ext 5-2344) to give patient an appointment in-hand. If you cannot reach Ms. Mercado by phone, patient can wait to be outreached, or patient can make IMA Eval appointment at front desk.

  2. Please enter consult for “IMA BEHAVIORAL HEALTH”

Purpose: structured, short-term (~6-12 sessions) psychotherapy with a Depression Care Social Worker focusing on depression and/or anxiety

*Please note: Patient must have a PHQ-9>9 AND a Medicaid or Medicare plan, not be in stable psychiatric care elsewhere, and not have a concomitant unstable substance use disorder. If they do not meet these criteria, please see "Alternative Mental Health Options" below